use std::{borrow::Cow, cell::RefCell, collections::BTreeMap};
use crate::{AssignCell, Cell, Const, ControlNet, Design, MatchCell, Net, Trit, Value};
#[cfg(feature = "easy-smt")]
pub mod easy_smt;
#[derive(Debug, Clone)]
pub enum SmtResponse {
struct SmtTritVec<SMT: SmtEngine> {
x: SMT::BitVec, y: SMT::BitVec, }
pub trait SmtEngine {
type Bool: Clone;
type BitVec: Clone;
fn build_bool_lit(&self, value: bool) -> Self::Bool;
fn build_bool_eq(&self, arg1: Self::Bool, arg2: Self::Bool) -> Self::Bool;
fn build_bool_ite(&self, cond: Self::Bool, if_true: Self::Bool, if_false: Self::Bool) -> Self::Bool;
fn build_bool_let(&self, var: &str, expr: Self::Bool, body: impl FnOnce(Self::Bool) -> Self::Bool) -> Self::Bool;
fn build_not(&self, arg: Self::Bool) -> Self::Bool;
fn build_and(&self, args: &[Self::Bool]) -> Self::Bool;
fn build_or(&self, args: &[Self::Bool]) -> Self::Bool;
fn build_xor(&self, args: &[Self::Bool]) -> Self::Bool;
fn build_bitvec_lit(&self, value: &Const) -> Self::BitVec;
fn build_bitvec_eq(&self, arg1: Self::BitVec, arg2: Self::BitVec) -> Self::Bool;
fn build_bitvec_ite(&self, cond: Self::Bool, if_true: Self::BitVec, if_false: Self::BitVec) -> Self::BitVec;
fn build_bitvec_let(
var: &str,
expr: Self::BitVec,
body: impl FnOnce(Self::BitVec) -> Self::BitVec,
) -> Self::BitVec;
fn build_concat(&self, arg_msb: Self::BitVec, arg_lsb: Self::BitVec) -> Self::BitVec;
fn build_extract(&self, index_msb: usize, index_lsb: usize, arg: Self::BitVec) -> Self::BitVec;
fn build_bvnot(&self, arg1: Self::BitVec) -> Self::BitVec;
fn build_bvand(&self, arg1: Self::BitVec, arg2: Self::BitVec) -> Self::BitVec;
fn build_bvor(&self, arg1: Self::BitVec, arg2: Self::BitVec) -> Self::BitVec;
fn build_bvxor(&self, arg1: Self::BitVec, arg2: Self::BitVec) -> Self::BitVec;
fn build_bvadd(&self, arg1: Self::BitVec, arg2: Self::BitVec) -> Self::BitVec;
fn build_bvcomp(&self, arg1: Self::BitVec, arg2: Self::BitVec) -> Self::BitVec;
fn build_bvult(&self, arg1: Self::BitVec, arg2: Self::BitVec) -> Self::Bool;
fn build_bvslt(&self, arg1: Self::BitVec, arg2: Self::BitVec) -> Self::Bool;
fn build_bvshl(&self, arg1: Self::BitVec, arg2: Self::BitVec) -> Self::BitVec;
fn build_bvlshr(&self, arg1: Self::BitVec, arg2: Self::BitVec) -> Self::BitVec;
fn build_bvashr(&self, arg1: Self::BitVec, arg2: Self::BitVec) -> Self::BitVec;
fn build_bvmul(&self, arg1: Self::BitVec, arg2: Self::BitVec) -> Self::BitVec;
fn build_bvudiv(&self, arg1: Self::BitVec, arg2: Self::BitVec) -> Self::BitVec;
fn build_bvurem(&self, arg1: Self::BitVec, arg2: Self::BitVec) -> Self::BitVec;
fn build_bvsdiv(&self, arg1: Self::BitVec, arg2: Self::BitVec) -> Self::BitVec;
fn build_bvsrem(&self, arg1: Self::BitVec, arg2: Self::BitVec) -> Self::BitVec;
type Error;
fn declare_bool_const(&self, name: &str) -> Result<Self::Bool, Self::Error>;
fn declare_bitvec_const(&self, name: &str, width: usize) -> Result<Self::BitVec, Self::Error>;
fn assert(&mut self, term: Self::Bool) -> Result<(), Self::Error>;
fn check(&mut self) -> Result<SmtResponse, Self::Error>;
fn get_bool(&self, term: &Self::Bool) -> Result<bool, Self::Error>;
fn get_bitvec(&self, term: &Self::BitVec) -> Result<Const, Self::Error>;
impl<SMT: SmtEngine> Clone for SmtTritVec<SMT> {
fn clone(&self) -> Self {
Self { x: self.x.clone(), y: self.y.clone() }
pub struct SmtBuilder<'a, SMT: SmtEngine> {
design: &'a Design,
engine: SMT,
temp: usize,
curr: RefCell<BTreeMap<Net, SmtTritVec<SMT>>>,
past: RefCell<BTreeMap<Net, SmtTritVec<SMT>>>,
eqs: RefCell<Vec<SMT::Bool>>,
impl<'a, SMT: SmtEngine> SmtBuilder<'a, SMT> {
pub fn new(design: &'a Design, engine: SMT) -> Self {
Self {
temp: 0,
curr: RefCell::new(BTreeMap::new()),
past: RefCell::new(BTreeMap::new()),
eqs: RefCell::new(Vec::new()),
fn bv_lit<'b>(&self, value: impl Into<Cow<'b, Const>>) -> SMT::BitVec {
fn bv_const(&self, prefix: &str, index: usize, suffix: &str, width: usize) -> Result<SMT::BitVec, SMT::Error> {
self.engine.declare_bitvec_const(&format!("{prefix}{index}{suffix}"), width)
fn bv_bind(&mut self, bv_value: SMT::BitVec, width: usize) -> Result<SMT::BitVec, SMT::Error> {
let bv_temp = self.engine.declare_bitvec_const(&format!("t{}", self.temp), width)?;
self.temp += 1;
self.engine.assert(self.engine.build_bitvec_eq(bv_temp.clone(), bv_value))?;
fn bv_concat(&self, elems: impl IntoIterator<IntoIter: DoubleEndedIterator<Item = SMT::BitVec>>) -> SMT::BitVec {
let mut bv_result = None;
for elem in elems.into_iter().rev() {
bv_result = Some(match bv_result {
Some(bv_msb) => self.engine.build_concat(bv_msb, elem),
None => elem,
bv_result.expect("SMT bit vectors cannot be empty")
fn bv_is_zero(&self, bv_value: SMT::BitVec, width: usize) -> SMT::Bool {
self.engine.build_bitvec_eq(bv_value, self.bv_lit(Const::zero(width)))
fn bv_to_bool(&self, bv_value: SMT::BitVec) -> SMT::Bool {
self.engine.build_bitvec_eq(bv_value, self.bv_lit(Trit::One))
fn bool_to_bv(&self, bool_value: SMT::Bool) -> SMT::BitVec {
self.engine.build_bitvec_ite(bool_value, self.bv_lit(Trit::One), self.bv_lit(Trit::Zero))
fn tv_lit<'b>(&self, value: impl Into<Cow<'b, Const>>) -> SmtTritVec<SMT> {
let value = value.into();
let is_undef = Const::from_iter(value.iter().map(|t| if t == Trit::Undef { Trit::One } else { Trit::Zero }));
let is_one = Const::from_iter(value.iter().map(|t| if t == Trit::One { Trit::One } else { Trit::Zero }));
SmtTritVec { x: self.bv_lit(is_undef), y: self.bv_lit(is_one) }
fn tv_const(&self, prefix: &str, index: usize, width: usize) -> Result<SmtTritVec<SMT>, SMT::Error> {
Ok(SmtTritVec { x: self.bv_const(prefix, index, "x", width)?, y: self.bv_const(prefix, index, "y", width)? })
fn tv_bind(&mut self, tv_value: SmtTritVec<SMT>, width: usize) -> Result<SmtTritVec<SMT>, SMT::Error> {
let bv_temp_x = self.engine.declare_bitvec_const(&format!("t{}x", self.temp), width)?;
let bv_temp_y = self.engine.declare_bitvec_const(&format!("t{}y", self.temp), width)?;
self.temp += 1;
self.engine.assert(self.engine.build_bitvec_eq(bv_temp_x.clone(), tv_value.x))?;
self.engine.assert(self.engine.build_bitvec_eq(bv_temp_y.clone(), tv_value.y))?;
Ok(SmtTritVec { x: bv_temp_x, y: bv_temp_y })
fn tv_concat<I>(&self, elems: I) -> SmtTritVec<SMT>
I: IntoIterator<IntoIter: DoubleEndedIterator<Item = SmtTritVec<SMT>>>,
let mut bv_result = None;
for elem in elems.into_iter().rev() {
bv_result = Some(match bv_result {
Some((bv_x_msb, bv_y_msb)) => {
(self.engine.build_concat(bv_x_msb, elem.x), self.engine.build_concat(bv_y_msb, elem.y))
None => (elem.x, elem.y),
}|(x, y)| SmtTritVec { x, y }).expect("SMT bit vectors cannot be empty")
fn tv_extract(&self, index_msb: usize, index_lsb: usize, tv: SmtTritVec<SMT>) -> SmtTritVec<SMT> {
SmtTritVec {
x: self.engine.build_extract(index_msb, index_lsb, tv.x),
y: self.engine.build_extract(index_msb, index_lsb, tv.y),
fn tv_is0(&self, tv: SmtTritVec<SMT>) -> SMT::BitVec {
self.engine.build_bvand(self.engine.build_bvnot(tv.y), self.engine.build_bvnot(tv.x))
fn tv_is1(&self, tv: SmtTritVec<SMT>) -> SMT::BitVec {
self.engine.build_bvand(tv.y, self.engine.build_bvnot(tv.x))
fn tv_eq(&self, tv_a: SmtTritVec<SMT>, tv_b: SmtTritVec<SMT>) -> SMT::Bool {
let x_eq = self.engine.build_bitvec_eq(tv_a.x, tv_b.x);
let y_eq = self.engine.build_bitvec_eq(tv_a.y, tv_b.y);
self.engine.build_and(&[x_eq, y_eq])
fn tv_refines(&self, from: SmtTritVec<SMT>, to: SmtTritVec<SMT>) -> SMT::Bool {
let from_def = self.engine.build_bvnot(from.x.clone());
let x_refine = self.engine.build_bitvec_eq(
to.x.clone(), self.engine.build_bvand(to.x, from.x), );
let y_refine = self.engine.build_bitvec_eq(
self.engine.build_bvand(from_def.clone(), from.y), self.engine.build_bvand(from_def.clone(), to.y), );
self.engine.build_and(&[x_refine, y_refine])
fn tv_not(&self, tv_a: SmtTritVec<SMT>) -> SmtTritVec<SMT> {
SmtTritVec { y: self.engine.build_bvnot(tv_a.y), x: tv_a.x }
fn tv_and(
&mut self,
tv_a: SmtTritVec<SMT>,
tv_b: SmtTritVec<SMT>,
width: usize,
) -> Result<SmtTritVec<SMT>, SMT::Error> {
let (tv_a, tv_b) = (self.tv_bind(tv_a, width)?, self.tv_bind(tv_b, width)?);
let bv_arg1_is0 = self.tv_is0(tv_a.clone());
let bv_arg2_is0 = self.tv_is0(tv_b.clone());
Ok(SmtTritVec {
y: self.engine.build_bvand(tv_a.y, tv_b.y),
x: self.engine.build_bvand(
self.engine.build_bvor(tv_a.x, tv_b.x),
self.engine.build_bvnot(self.engine.build_bvor(bv_arg1_is0, bv_arg2_is0)),
fn tv_or(
&mut self,
tv_a: SmtTritVec<SMT>,
tv_b: SmtTritVec<SMT>,
width: usize,
) -> Result<SmtTritVec<SMT>, SMT::Error> {
let (tv_a, tv_b) = (self.tv_bind(tv_a, width)?, self.tv_bind(tv_b, width)?);
let bv_arg1_is1 = self.tv_is1(tv_a.clone());
let bv_arg2_is1 = self.tv_is1(tv_b.clone());
Ok(SmtTritVec {
y: self.engine.build_bvor(tv_a.y, tv_b.y),
x: self.engine.build_bvand(
self.engine.build_bvor(tv_a.x, tv_b.x),
self.engine.build_bvnot(self.engine.build_bvor(bv_arg1_is1, bv_arg2_is1)),
fn tv_xor(&self, tv_a: SmtTritVec<SMT>, tv_b: SmtTritVec<SMT>) -> SmtTritVec<SMT> {
SmtTritVec { y: self.engine.build_bvxor(tv_a.y, tv_b.y), x: self.engine.build_bvor(tv_a.x, tv_b.x) }
fn tv_mux(
&mut self,
tv_s: SmtTritVec<SMT>,
tv_a: SmtTritVec<SMT>,
tv_b: SmtTritVec<SMT>,
width: usize,
) -> Result<SmtTritVec<SMT>, SMT::Error> {
let (tv_s, tv_a, tv_b) = (self.tv_bind(tv_s, 1)?, self.tv_bind(tv_a, width)?, self.tv_bind(tv_b, width)?);
let (bv_s_is0, bv_s_is1) = (self.tv_is0(tv_s.clone()), self.tv_is1(tv_s));
let (bool_s_is0, bool_s_is1) = (self.bv_to_bool(bv_s_is0), self.bv_to_bool(bv_s_is1));
let bv_x_sx = self.engine.build_bvxor(tv_a.y.clone(), tv_b.y.clone());
let bv_x_sx = self.engine.build_bvor(bv_x_sx, tv_a.x.clone());
let bv_x_sx = self.engine.build_bvor(bv_x_sx, tv_b.x.clone());
let bv_x_s1 = self.engine.build_bitvec_ite(bool_s_is1.clone(), tv_a.x, bv_x_sx);
let bv_x_s0 = self.engine.build_bitvec_ite(bool_s_is0.clone(), tv_b.x, bv_x_s1);
let bv_y_sx = self.engine.build_bvand(tv_a.y.clone(), tv_b.y.clone());
let bv_y_s1 = self.engine.build_bitvec_ite(bool_s_is1, tv_a.y, bv_y_sx);
let bv_y_s0 = self.engine.build_bitvec_ite(bool_s_is0, tv_b.y, bv_y_s1);
Ok(SmtTritVec { y: bv_y_s0, x: bv_x_s0 })
fn curr_net(&self, net: Net) -> Result<SmtTritVec<SMT>, SMT::Error> {
match net.as_cell_index() {
Err(trit) => Ok(self.tv_lit(trit)),
Ok(cell_index) => {
let tv_net = self.tv_const("n", cell_index, 1)?;
self.curr.borrow_mut().insert(net, tv_net.clone());
fn curr_value(&self, value: &Value) -> Result<SmtTritVec<SMT>, SMT::Error> {
Ok(self.tv_concat(value.iter().map(|net| self.curr_net(net)).collect::<Result<Vec<_>, _>>()?.into_iter()))
fn past_net(&self, net: Net) -> Result<SmtTritVec<SMT>, SMT::Error> {
match net.as_cell_index() {
Err(trit) => Ok(self.tv_lit(trit)),
Ok(cell_index) => {
let tv_net = self.tv_const("p", cell_index, 1)?;
self.curr.borrow_mut().insert(net, tv_net.clone());
fn past_value(&self, value: &Value) -> Result<SmtTritVec<SMT>, SMT::Error> {
Ok(self.tv_concat(value.iter().map(|net| self.past_net(net)).collect::<Result<Vec<_>, _>>()?.into_iter()))
fn net(&self, net: Net) -> Result<SmtTritVec<SMT>, SMT::Error> {
if let Ok(index) = net.as_cell_index() {
if ! {
return self.curr_net(net); }
match {
Ok((cell_ref, _offset)) if matches!(&*cell_ref.get(), Cell::Dff(_)) => self.past_net(net),
_ => self.curr_net(net),
fn value(&self, value: &Value) -> Result<SmtTritVec<SMT>, SMT::Error> {
Ok(self.tv_concat(value.iter().map(|net|<Result<Vec<_>, _>>()?.into_iter()))
fn invert_net(&self, control_net: ControlNet, tv_net: SmtTritVec<SMT>) -> Result<SmtTritVec<SMT>, SMT::Error> {
let active = if control_net.is_positive() { Const::ones(1) } else { Const::zero(1) };
Ok(SmtTritVec { y: self.engine.build_bvcomp(tv_net.y, self.engine.build_bitvec_lit(&active)), x: tv_net.x })
fn control_net(&self, control_net: ControlNet) -> Result<SmtTritVec<SMT>, SMT::Error> {
fn clock_net(&mut self, control_net: ControlNet) -> Result<SmtTritVec<SMT>, SMT::Error> {
self.invert_net(control_net, self.curr_net(,
self.tv_not(self.invert_net(control_net, self.past_net(,
fn cell(&mut self, output: &Value, cell: &Cell) -> Result<SmtTritVec<SMT>, SMT::Error> {
let prepare_shift = |value: &Value, amount: &Value, stride: u32, signed: bool| -> Result<_, SMT::Error> {
let width = value.len().max(amount.len() + stride.max(1).ilog2() as usize + 1);
let value_ext = if signed { value.sext(width) } else { value.zext(width) };
let amount_ext = amount.zext(width);
let (tv_value_ext, tv_amount_ext) = (self.value(&value_ext)?, self.value(&amount_ext)?);
let bv_stride = self.engine.build_bitvec_lit(&Const::from_uint(stride as u128, width));
let bv_amount_mul = self.engine.build_bvmul(tv_amount_ext.y.clone(), bv_stride);
Ok((width, tv_value_ext, tv_amount_ext, bv_amount_mul))
let bv_cell = match &*cell {
Cell::Buf(a) => self.value(a)?,
Cell::Not(a) => self.tv_not(self.value(a)?),
Cell::And(a, b) => self.tv_and(self.value(a)?, self.value(b)?, output.len())?,
Cell::Or(a, b) => self.tv_or(self.value(a)?, self.value(b)?, output.len())?,
Cell::Xor(a, b) => self.tv_xor(self.value(a)?, self.value(b)?),
Cell::Mux(s, a, b) => self.tv_mux(*s)?, self.value(a)?, self.value(b)?, output.len())?,
Cell::Adc(a, b, c) => {
if a.is_empty() {*c)?
} else {
let (tv_a, tv_b, tv_c) = (self.value(a)?, self.value(b)?,*c)?);
let (tv_a, tv_b) = (self.tv_bind(tv_a, a.len())?, self.tv_bind(tv_b, b.len())?);
let mut bv_x = vec![];
let mut bv_carry_x = tv_c.x;
for index in 0..a.len() {
bv_carry_x = self.bv_bind(
self.engine.build_extract(index, index, tv_a.x.clone()),
self.engine.build_extract(index, index, tv_b.x.clone()),
SmtTritVec {
x: self.bv_concat(bv_x),
y: self.engine.build_bvadd(
self.engine.build_concat(self.bv_lit(Trit::Zero), tv_a.y),
self.engine.build_concat(self.bv_lit(Trit::Zero), tv_b.y),
self.engine.build_concat(self.bv_lit(Const::zero(a.len())), tv_c.y),
Cell::Eq(a, b) => {
let (tv_a, tv_b) = (self.value(a)?, self.value(b)?);
let bv_a_xor_b = self.engine.build_bvxor(tv_a.y.clone(), tv_b.y.clone());
let bv_unequal = self.engine.build_bvand(
self.engine.build_bvnot(self.engine.build_bvor(tv_a.x.clone(), tv_b.x.clone())),
let bool_any_unequal = self.engine.build_not(self.bv_is_zero(bv_unequal, a.len()));
SmtTritVec {
x: self.bool_to_bv(self.engine.build_bool_ite(
self.bv_is_zero(tv_a.x.clone(), a.len()),
self.bv_is_zero(tv_b.x.clone(), b.len()),
y: self.engine.build_bvcomp(tv_a.y, tv_b.y),
Cell::ULt(a, b) => {
let (tv_a, tv_b) = (self.value(a)?, self.value(b)?);
SmtTritVec {
x: self.bool_to_bv(self.engine.build_not(
self.engine.build_and(&[self.bv_is_zero(tv_a.x, a.len()), self.bv_is_zero(tv_b.x, b.len())]),
y: self.bool_to_bv(self.engine.build_bvult(tv_a.y, tv_b.y)),
Cell::SLt(a, b) => {
let (tv_a, tv_b) = (self.value(a)?, self.value(b)?);
SmtTritVec {
x: self.bool_to_bv(self.engine.build_not(
self.engine.build_and(&[self.bv_is_zero(tv_a.x, a.len()), self.bv_is_zero(tv_b.x, b.len())]),
y: self.bool_to_bv(self.engine.build_bvslt(tv_a.y, tv_b.y)),
Cell::Shl(value, amount, stride) => {
let (width, tv_value_ext, tv_amount_ext, bv_amount_mul) = prepare_shift(value, amount, *stride, false)?;
let tv_result = SmtTritVec {
x: self.engine.build_bitvec_ite(
self.bv_is_zero(tv_amount_ext.x, width),
self.engine.build_bvshl(tv_value_ext.x, bv_amount_mul.clone()),
y: self.engine.build_bvshl(tv_value_ext.y, bv_amount_mul),
self.tv_extract(value.len() - 1, 0, tv_result)
Cell::UShr(value, amount, stride) => {
let (width, tv_value_ext, tv_amount_ext, bv_amount_mul) = prepare_shift(value, amount, *stride, false)?;
let tv_result = SmtTritVec {
x: self.engine.build_bitvec_ite(
self.bv_is_zero(tv_amount_ext.x, width),
self.engine.build_bvlshr(tv_value_ext.x, bv_amount_mul.clone()),
y: self.engine.build_bvlshr(tv_value_ext.y, bv_amount_mul),
self.tv_extract(value.len() - 1, 0, tv_result)
Cell::SShr(value, amount, stride) => {
let (width, tv_value_ext, tv_amount_ext, bv_amount_mul) = prepare_shift(value, amount, *stride, true)?;
let tv_result = SmtTritVec {
x: self.engine.build_bitvec_ite(
self.bv_is_zero(tv_amount_ext.x, width),
self.engine.build_bvashr(tv_value_ext.x, bv_amount_mul.clone()),
y: self.engine.build_bvashr(tv_value_ext.y, bv_amount_mul),
self.tv_extract(value.len() - 1, 0, tv_result)
Cell::XShr(value, amount, stride) => {
let (width, tv_value_ext, tv_amount_ext, bv_amount_mul) =
prepare_shift(&value.concat(Value::undef(1)), amount, *stride, true)?;
let tv_result = SmtTritVec {
x: self.engine.build_bitvec_ite(
self.bv_is_zero(tv_amount_ext.x, width),
self.engine.build_bvashr(tv_value_ext.x, bv_amount_mul.clone()),
y: self.engine.build_bvlshr(tv_value_ext.y, bv_amount_mul),
self.tv_extract(value.len() - 1, 0, tv_result)
Cell::Mul(..) => unimplemented!("lowering of mul to SMT-LIB is not implemented"),
Cell::UDiv(..) => unimplemented!("lowering of udiv to SMT-LIB is not implemented"),
Cell::UMod(..) => unimplemented!("lowering of umod to SMT-LIB is not implemented"),
Cell::SDivTrunc(..) => unimplemented!("lowering of sdiv_trunc to SMT-LIB is not implemented"),
Cell::SDivFloor(..) => unimplemented!("lowering of sdiv_floor to SMT-LIB is not implemented"),
Cell::SModTrunc(..) => unimplemented!("lowering of smod_trunc to SMT-LIB is not implemented"),
Cell::SModFloor(..) => unimplemented!("lowering of smod_floor to SMT-LIB is not implemented"),
Cell::Match(MatchCell { value, enable, patterns }) => {
let mut tv_matches = vec![];
for alternates in patterns {
let mut tv_sum = self.tv_lit(Trit::Zero);
for pattern in alternates {
let mut tv_prd = self.tv_lit(Trit::One);
for (index, mask) in pattern.iter().enumerate().filter(|(_index, mask)| *mask != Trit::Undef) {
let tv_eq = self.tv_not(self.tv_xor([index])?,;
tv_prd = self.tv_and(tv_prd, tv_eq, 1)?;
tv_sum = self.tv_or(tv_sum, tv_prd, 1)?;
let tv_matches = self.tv_bind(self.tv_concat(tv_matches), patterns.len())?;
let tv_enable =*enable)?;
let tv_all_cold = self.tv_lit(&Const::zero(patterns.len()));
let mut tv_result = tv_all_cold.clone();
for index in (0..patterns.len()).rev() {
tv_result = self.tv_mux(
self.tv_extract(index, index, tv_matches.clone()),
self.tv_lit(&Const::one_hot(patterns.len(), index)),
self.tv_mux(tv_enable.clone(), tv_result, tv_all_cold, patterns.len())?
Cell::Assign(AssignCell { value, enable, update, offset }) => self.tv_mux(*enable)?,
let mut nets = Vec::from_iter(value.iter());
nets[*offset..(*offset + update.len())].copy_from_slice(&update[..]);
Cell::Dff(flip_flop) => {
let mut data = self.value(&;
let clear = self.control_net(flip_flop.clear)?;
let reset = self.control_net(flip_flop.reset)?;
let enable = self.control_net(flip_flop.enable)?;
if flip_flop.reset_over_enable {
data = self.tv_mux(enable, data, self.past_value(&output)?, output.len())?;
data = self.tv_mux(reset, self.tv_lit(&flip_flop.reset_value), data, output.len())?;
} else {
data = self.tv_mux(reset, self.tv_lit(&flip_flop.reset_value), data, output.len())?;
data = self.tv_mux(enable, data, self.past_value(&output)?, output.len())?;
let active_edge = self.clock_net(flip_flop.clock)?;
let value = self.tv_mux(active_edge, data, self.past_value(&output)?, output.len())?;
if flip_flop.has_clear() {
self.tv_mux(clear, self.tv_lit(&flip_flop.clear_value), value, output.len())?
} else {
Cell::Memory(_memory) => unimplemented!("memories are not lowered to SMT-LIB yet"),
Cell::IoBuf(_io_buffer) => self.value(output)?, Cell::Target(_target_cell) => unimplemented!("target cells cannot be lowered to SMT-LIB yet"),
Cell::Other(_) => unreachable!("instances cannot be lowered to SMT-LIB"),
Cell::Input(..) | Cell::Output(..) | Cell::Name(..) | Cell::Debug(..) => unreachable!(),
pub fn add_cell(&mut self, output: &Value, cell: &Cell) -> Result<(), SMT::Error> {
if let Cell::Input(..) = cell {
return Ok(());
let tv_cell = self.cell(output, cell)?;
self.engine.assert(self.tv_eq(self.curr_value(output)?, tv_cell))
pub fn replace_cell(&mut self, output: &Value, old_cell: &Cell, new_cell: &Cell) -> Result<(), SMT::Error> {
self.add_cell(output, old_cell)?;
let tv_new_cell = self.cell(output, new_cell)?;
self.eqs.borrow_mut().push(self.tv_refines(self.curr_value(output)?, tv_new_cell));
pub fn replace_net(&mut self, from_net: Net, to_net: Net) -> Result<(), SMT::Error> {
pub fn replace_void_net(&mut self, from_net: Net, to_net: Net) -> Result<(), SMT::Error> {
pub fn replace_dff_net(&mut self, from_net: Net, to_net: Net) -> Result<(), SMT::Error> {
self.engine.assert(self.tv_eq(self.past_net(from_net)?, self.past_net(to_net)?))?;
self.eqs.borrow_mut().push(self.tv_refines(self.curr_net(from_net)?, self.curr_net(to_net)?));
pub fn check(&mut self) -> Result<Option<SmtExample>, SMT::Error> {
if self.eqs.borrow().is_empty() {
return Ok(None);
let not_and_eqs = self.engine.build_not(self.engine.build_and(&self.eqs.borrow()[..]));
match self.engine.check()? {
SmtResponse::Unknown => panic!("SMT solver returned unknown"),
SmtResponse::Unsat => Ok(None),
SmtResponse::Sat => {
let get_trit = |tv_net: &SmtTritVec<SMT>| -> Result<Trit, SMT::Error> {
if self.engine.get_bitvec(&tv_net.x)?[0] == Trit::One {
} else {
let (mut curr, mut past) = (BTreeMap::new(), BTreeMap::new());
for (net, tv_net) in self.curr.borrow().iter() {
curr.insert(*net, get_trit(tv_net)?);
for (net, tv_net) in self.past.borrow().iter() {
past.insert(*net, get_trit(tv_net)?);
Ok(Some(SmtExample { curr, past }))
#[derive(Debug, Clone, PartialEq, Eq)]
pub struct SmtExample {
curr: BTreeMap<Net, Trit>,
past: BTreeMap<Net, Trit>,
impl SmtExample {
pub fn get_net(&self, net: Net) -> Option<Trit> {
pub fn get_value<'a>(&self, value: impl Into<Cow<'a, Value>>) -> Option<Const> {
let mut result = Const::new();
for net in &*value.into() {
pub fn get_past_net(&self, net: Net) -> Option<Trit> {
pub fn get_past_value<'a>(&self, value: impl Into<Cow<'a, Value>>) -> Option<Const> {
let mut result = Const::new();
for net in &*value.into() {