use std::fmt::Display;
use std::collections::{BTreeMap, BTreeSet};
use crate::{Cell, Design, IoNet, Net, Value};
pub enum NotIsomorphic {
ValueSizeMismatch(Value, Value),
NetMismatch(Net, Net),
IoNetMismatch(IoNet, IoNet),
impl Display for NotIsomorphic {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut std::fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> std::fmt::Result {
match self {
NotIsomorphic::NoOutputLeft(name) => write!(f, "output {:?} is missing in the left design", name),
NotIsomorphic::NoOutputRight(name) => write!(f, "output {:?} is missing in the right design", name),
NotIsomorphic::OutputSizeMismatch(name) => write!(f, "size of output {:?} does not match", name),
NotIsomorphic::IoSizeMismatch(name) => write!(f, "size of IO {:?} does not match", name),
NotIsomorphic::NameSizeMismatch(name) => write!(f, "size of name cell {:?} does not match", name),
NotIsomorphic::ValueSizeMismatch(value_l, value_r) => {
write!(f, "size of values {} and {} do not match", value_l, value_r)
NotIsomorphic::NetMismatch(net_l, net_r) => write!(f, "nets {} and {} are not isomorphic", net_l, net_r),
NotIsomorphic::IoNetMismatch(io_net_l, io_net_r) => {
write!(f, "IO nets {} and {} are not isomorphic", io_net_l, io_net_r)
pub fn isomorphic(lft: &Design, rgt: &Design) -> Result<(), NotIsomorphic> {
let mut queue: BTreeSet<(Net, Net)> = BTreeSet::new();
fn queue_vals(queue: &mut BTreeSet<(Net, Net)>, val_l: &Value, val_r: &Value) -> Result<(), NotIsomorphic> {
if val_l.len() != val_r.len() {
return Err(NotIsomorphic::ValueSizeMismatch(val_l.clone(), val_r.clone()));
for (net_l, net_r) in val_l.iter().zip(val_r) {
queue.insert((net_l, net_r));
let mut visited: BTreeSet<(Net, Net)> = BTreeSet::new();
visited.insert((Net::UNDEF, Net::UNDEF));
visited.insert((Net::ZERO, Net::ZERO));
visited.insert((Net::ONE, Net::ONE));
let mut outputs_l = BTreeMap::new();
let mut names_l = BTreeMap::new();
for cell in lft.iter_cells() {
match &*cell.get() {
Cell::Output(name, value) => {
outputs_l.insert(name.clone(), value.clone());
Cell::Name(name, value) => {
names_l.insert(name.clone(), value.clone());
_ => (),
let mut outputs_r = BTreeMap::new();
let mut names_r = BTreeMap::new();
for cell in rgt.iter_cells() {
match &*cell.get() {
Cell::Output(name, value) => {
outputs_r.insert(name.clone(), value.clone());
Cell::Name(name, value) => {
names_r.insert(name.clone(), value.clone());
_ => (),
for (name, value_l) in &outputs_l {
if let Some(value_r) = outputs_r.get(name) {
if value_l.len() != value_r.len() {
return Err(NotIsomorphic::OutputSizeMismatch(name.clone()));
for (net_l, net_r) in value_l.iter().zip(value_r) {
queue.insert((net_l, net_r));
} else {
return Err(NotIsomorphic::NoOutputRight(name.clone()));
for name in outputs_r.keys() {
if !outputs_l.contains_key(name) {
return Err(NotIsomorphic::NoOutputLeft(name.clone()));
for (name, value_l) in &names_l {
if let Some(value_r) = names_r.get(name) {
if value_l.len() != value_r.len() {
return Err(NotIsomorphic::NameSizeMismatch(name.clone()));
for (net_l, net_r) in value_l.iter().zip(value_r) {
queue.insert((net_l, net_r));
let mut ios = BTreeSet::new();
ios.insert((IoNet::FLOATING, IoNet::FLOATING));
for (name, _) in lft.iter_ios() {
if let (Some(io_l), Some(io_r)) = (lft.get_io(name), rgt.get_io(name)) {
if io_l.len() != io_r.len() {
return Err(NotIsomorphic::IoSizeMismatch(name.to_owned()));
for (ionet_l, ionet_r) in io_l.iter().zip(io_r.iter()) {
ios.insert((ionet_l, ionet_r));
while let Some((net_l, net_r)) = queue.pop_first() {
if visited.contains(&(net_l, net_r)) {
if net_l.as_const().is_some() || net_r.as_const().is_some() {
return Err(NotIsomorphic::NetMismatch(net_l, net_r));
let (cell_l, bit_l) = lft.find_cell(net_l).unwrap();
let (cell_r, bit_r) = rgt.find_cell(net_r).unwrap();
let out_l = cell_l.output();
let out_r = cell_r.output();
if bit_l != bit_r || out_l.len() != out_r.len() {
return Err(NotIsomorphic::NetMismatch(net_l, net_r));
for (net_l, net_r) in out_l.iter().zip(out_r) {
visited.insert((net_l, net_r));
match (&*cell_l.get(), &*cell_r.get()) {
(Cell::Buf(val_l), Cell::Buf(val_r)) | (Cell::Not(val_l), Cell::Not(val_r)) => {
queue_vals(&mut queue, val_l, val_r)?
(Cell::And(arg1_l, arg2_l), Cell::And(arg1_r, arg2_r))
| (Cell::Or(arg1_l, arg2_l), Cell::Or(arg1_r, arg2_r))
| (Cell::Xor(arg1_l, arg2_l), Cell::Xor(arg1_r, arg2_r))
| (Cell::Eq(arg1_l, arg2_l), Cell::Eq(arg1_r, arg2_r))
| (Cell::ULt(arg1_l, arg2_l), Cell::ULt(arg1_r, arg2_r))
| (Cell::SLt(arg1_l, arg2_l), Cell::SLt(arg1_r, arg2_r))
| (Cell::Mul(arg1_l, arg2_l), Cell::Mul(arg1_r, arg2_r))
| (Cell::UDiv(arg1_l, arg2_l), Cell::UDiv(arg1_r, arg2_r))
| (Cell::UMod(arg1_l, arg2_l), Cell::UMod(arg1_r, arg2_r))
| (Cell::SDivTrunc(arg1_l, arg2_l), Cell::SDivTrunc(arg1_r, arg2_r))
| (Cell::SDivFloor(arg1_l, arg2_l), Cell::SDivFloor(arg1_r, arg2_r))
| (Cell::SModTrunc(arg1_l, arg2_l), Cell::SModTrunc(arg1_r, arg2_r))
| (Cell::SModFloor(arg1_l, arg2_l), Cell::SModFloor(arg1_r, arg2_r)) => {
queue_vals(&mut queue, arg1_l, arg1_r)?;
queue_vals(&mut queue, arg2_l, arg2_r)?;
(Cell::Mux(arg1_l, arg2_l, arg3_l), Cell::Mux(sel_r, arg2_r, arg3_r)) => {
queue.insert((*arg1_l, *sel_r));
queue_vals(&mut queue, arg2_l, arg2_r)?;
queue_vals(&mut queue, arg3_l, arg3_r)?;
(Cell::Adc(arg1_l, arg2_l, arg3_l), Cell::Adc(arg1_r, arg2_r, arg3_r)) => {
queue_vals(&mut queue, arg1_l, arg1_r)?;
queue_vals(&mut queue, arg2_l, arg2_r)?;
queue.insert((*arg3_l, *arg3_r));
(Cell::Shl(arg1_l, arg2_l, stride_l), Cell::Shl(arg1_r, arg2_r, stride_r))
| (Cell::UShr(arg1_l, arg2_l, stride_l), Cell::UShr(arg1_r, arg2_r, stride_r))
| (Cell::SShr(arg1_l, arg2_l, stride_l), Cell::SShr(arg1_r, arg2_r, stride_r))
| (Cell::XShr(arg1_l, arg2_l, stride_l), Cell::XShr(arg1_r, arg2_r, stride_r)) => {
queue_vals(&mut queue, arg1_l, arg1_r)?;
queue_vals(&mut queue, arg2_l, arg2_r)?;
if stride_l != stride_r {
return Err(NotIsomorphic::NetMismatch(net_l, net_r));
(Cell::Dff(ff_l), Cell::Dff(ff_r)) => {
queue_vals(&mut queue, &, &;
if ff_l.clock.is_positive() != ff_r.clock.is_positive()
|| ff_l.clear.is_positive() != ff_r.clear.is_positive()
|| ff_l.reset.is_positive() != ff_r.reset.is_positive()
|| ff_l.enable.is_positive() != ff_r.enable.is_positive()
|| (ff_l.reset_over_enable != ff_r.reset_over_enable
&& !ff_l.reset.is_always(false)
&& !ff_l.enable.is_always(true))
|| ff_l.clear_value != ff_r.clear_value
|| ff_l.reset_value != ff_r.reset_value
|| ff_l.init_value != ff_r.init_value
return Err(NotIsomorphic::NetMismatch(net_l, net_r));
(Cell::IoBuf(iobuf_l), Cell::IoBuf(iobuf_r)) => {
for (io_net_l, io_net_r) in {
if !ios.contains(&(io_net_l, io_net_r)) {
return Err(NotIsomorphic::IoNetMismatch(io_net_l, io_net_r));
queue_vals(&mut queue, &iobuf_l.output, &iobuf_r.output)?;
if iobuf_l.enable.is_positive() != iobuf_r.enable.is_positive() {
return Err(NotIsomorphic::NetMismatch(net_l, net_r));
(Cell::Memory(memory_l), Cell::Memory(memory_r)) => {
if memory_l.depth != memory_r.depth
|| memory_l.width != memory_r.width
|| memory_l.init_value != memory_r.init_value
|| memory_l.write_ports.len() != memory_r.write_ports.len()
|| memory_l.read_ports.len() != memory_r.read_ports.len()
return Err(NotIsomorphic::NetMismatch(net_l, net_r));
for (write_port_l, write_port_r) in memory_l.write_ports.iter().zip(memory_r.write_ports.iter()) {
queue_vals(&mut queue, &write_port_l.addr, &write_port_r.addr)?;
queue_vals(&mut queue, &, &;
queue_vals(&mut queue, &write_port_l.mask, &write_port_r.mask)?;
if write_port_l.clock.is_positive() != write_port_r.clock.is_positive() {
return Err(NotIsomorphic::NetMismatch(net_l, net_r));
for (read_port_l, read_port_r) in memory_l.read_ports.iter().zip(memory_r.read_ports.iter()) {
queue_vals(&mut queue, &read_port_l.addr, &read_port_r.addr)?;
if read_port_l.data_len != read_port_r.data_len {
return Err(NotIsomorphic::NetMismatch(net_l, net_r));
match (&read_port_l.flip_flop, &read_port_r.flip_flop) {
(None, None) => (),
(Some(ff_l), Some(ff_r)) => {
if ff_l.clock.is_positive() != ff_r.clock.is_positive()
|| ff_l.clear.is_positive() != ff_r.clear.is_positive()
|| ff_l.reset.is_positive() != ff_r.reset.is_positive()
|| ff_l.enable.is_positive() != ff_r.enable.is_positive()
|| (ff_l.reset_over_enable != ff_r.reset_over_enable
&& !ff_l.reset.is_always(false)
&& !ff_l.enable.is_always(true))
|| ff_l.clear_value != ff_r.clear_value
|| ff_l.reset_value != ff_r.reset_value
|| ff_l.init_value != ff_r.init_value
|| ff_l.relations != ff_r.relations
return Err(NotIsomorphic::NetMismatch(net_l, net_r));
_ => return Err(NotIsomorphic::NetMismatch(net_l, net_r)),
(Cell::Target(target_cell_l), Cell::Target(target_cell_r)) => {
for (io_net_l, io_net_r) in target_cell_l.ios.iter().zip(target_cell_r.ios.iter()) {
if !ios.contains(&(io_net_l, io_net_r)) {
return Err(NotIsomorphic::IoNetMismatch(io_net_l, io_net_r));
if target_cell_l.kind != target_cell_r.kind || target_cell_l.params != target_cell_r.params {
return Err(NotIsomorphic::NetMismatch(net_l, net_r));
queue_vals(&mut queue, &target_cell_l.inputs, &target_cell_r.inputs)?;
(Cell::Other(inst_l), Cell::Other(inst_r)) => {
if inst_l.kind != inst_r.kind || inst_l.params != inst_r.params || inst_l.outputs != inst_r.outputs {
return Err(NotIsomorphic::NetMismatch(net_l, net_r));
for (name, value_l) in &inst_l.inputs {
let Some(value_r) = inst_r.inputs.get(name) else {
return Err(NotIsomorphic::NetMismatch(net_l, net_r));
queue_vals(&mut queue, value_l, value_r)?;
for name in inst_r.inputs.keys() {
if !inst_l.inputs.contains_key(name) {
return Err(NotIsomorphic::NetMismatch(net_l, net_r));
for (name, io_value_l) in &inst_l.ios {
let Some(io_value_r) = inst_r.ios.get(name) else {
return Err(NotIsomorphic::NetMismatch(net_l, net_r));
for (io_net_l, io_net_r) in io_value_l.iter().zip(io_value_r.iter()) {
if !ios.contains(&(io_net_l, io_net_r)) {
return Err(NotIsomorphic::IoNetMismatch(io_net_l, io_net_r));
for name in inst_r.ios.keys() {
if !inst_l.ios.contains_key(name) {
return Err(NotIsomorphic::NetMismatch(net_l, net_r));
(Cell::Input(name_l, _), Cell::Input(name_r, _)) => {
if name_l != name_r {
return Err(NotIsomorphic::NetMismatch(net_l, net_r));
_ => return Err(NotIsomorphic::NetMismatch(net_l, net_r)),
macro_rules! assert_isomorphic {
( $lft:ident, $rgt:ident ) => {
let result = prjunnamed_netlist::isomorphic(&$lft, &$rgt);
if let Err(error) = result {
panic!("{}\nleft design:\n{}\nright design:\n{}", error, $lft, $rgt);